Storm Darragh

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Updated: 07:15 11 December 2024

Our services continue to be impacted by power supply issues which could result in interruptions to water supplies or low pressure for some customers, mainly in rural areas. Our teams are working hard to maintain supplies and working closely with all other agencies - including the energy companies - to restore all supplies safely and as quickly as possible.

Go to In Your Area for further information.

Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan

Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans (DWMPs) are assessments of risk, opportunities and options to manage sewage and rainfall both now and in the future.

What are DWMPs?

They are customer and stakeholder driven plans that demonstrate how we transform our current operation into the future service our customers and Government expect. A single plan considers risks over a minimum of 25 years and provides options to resolve those risks. These plans are reassessed every five years and progress monitored annually.

We develop these plans to provide Government with reassurance that we have plans in place to deliver against the expectations of Government, our regulators, stakeholders and our customers.

How to get in touch

Please contact us at if you would like more information or to consider joint investment opportunities with us.